There are 23 Parishes in the Diocese, mostly with multiple places of worship and smaller congregations served by Stipendiary, Part-Time and Retired Clergy who are focused on providing prayerful, loving and caring ministry to their local congregations and wider community. Find a Priest and Find a Church.

The population of most congregations is largely elderly and there are many parts of the region where the rural population is in decline, with younger people setting off for major cities for study and work. On the other hand, there is also major population growth, both in the border area and potentially also where the southern parishes are becoming dormitory areas for Melbourne.

The Diocese is comprised of three rural deaneries to support pastoral care and response networks, and a program for ministry development, education and formation. The Diocese leans more towards a liberal catholic expression of the Australian Anglican Church with an openness to a wide range of ecclesiastical expressions. The Cathedral Parish, Diocesan Registry and the Bishop’s Lodge are located in the Rural City of Wangaratta.

There are three Retirement Villages and three Diocesan associated Schools, and Anglicare-supported welfare and outreach programs are in place across the Diocese.

Bishop's Registry

The Bishop’s Registry provides administrative and support services to the parishes and the various Diocesan bodies and is located 41 Ovens Street, Wangaratta.


Anglicans in Australia come from a range of languages and cultures. Dioceses from all over the country can look quite different from one another in the way they present their worship, the composition of their ministry. Anglicans are united however in the Eucharistic celebration, sharing the sacrament of the body and blood of Christ.