The Chrism Mass was held on the 27th March, during which the new area deans were licensed.  The New Area Deans are The Rev’d Eden-Elizabeth Nicholls (Southern Deanery), The Rev’d Scott Jessup (North West Deanery) and The Rev’d Alan Kelb (North East Deanery). The Bishop also delivered a powerful sermon, the transcript of which can…

DoW Website Stage Two Development

Thank you to those who have visited our new website and provided positive feedback and suggestions for further improvements.  The current version represents Stage One of development and didn’t include everything on our wish list due to the large scope involved.  We have a list underway of those things that didn’t make it into Stage…

More of Beris’s Beanies go to Timor

BY CAROLINE BURGE PUBLISHED IN THE MARCH EDITION OF THE ADVOCATE In October last year The Advocate ran an article about ‘Beris’s Beanies’ which had made their way with some Assumption College students from Kilmore to East Timor. The beanies were so well loved and appreciated, that Beris Hannam continued to knit, and when the…